Lenders - Fair Lending Resources

National Manufactured Home Lender List

Lender Website Address Phone Fax Email
Triad Financial Services, Inc. Midwest Regional Office https://www.triadfs.com/about-triad/contact-us 19 Heritage Drive I Bourbonnais, IL 60914 (888) 936-1179 (888) 936-1290 info@triadfs.com
21st Mortgage https://www.21stmortgage.com/ 620 Market St., Ste.100 I Knoxville, TN 37902- 2207 (800) 955-0021 Ext.1456 (877) 312-2100 NA
Parklane Finance Solutions LLC https://parklanefinance.com/apply/ PO Box 1285 I Staunton, VA 24402 (434) 975-5088 (480) 539-4915 info@parklanefinance.com
Cascade https://www.cascadeloans.com/loans-onboarding/ 2701 E. Ryan Rd. #150 I Chandler, AZ 85286 (877) 869-7082 (480) 539-4915 customerservice@cascadeloans.com
Tammac / AutoMHatic https://www.automhatic.com/ 480 Swedesford Rd, Suite 200 Wayne, PA 19087 (888) 226-8929 NA info@automhatic.com
CSL Customers can apply online through https://www.commonsenselending.com/. At the top right, there is the online application they can use. While filling out the application, there is a “referred by” section that they will put “Tributary Homes (Park Location)” so we can credit it to the right location! P.O. Box 661527 Birmingham, AL 35266 (205)331-5700 NA loans@commonsenselending.com